This week’s minute looks at 10 keys to healthy family eating.
Being a healthy eating role model is one of the most important influences you can have on your children for developing healthy eating habits. Your daily food choices affect your family’s health.
Here are 10 keys to healthy family eating.
Eat enough, but not too much. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to register the food in your stomach, so try to pause when you are 80% full.
Limit processed foods, read labels, avoid chemical additives and preservatives.
Drink water, up to half an ounce (15mm) a day per pound (0.5kg) of body weight. Example: If you weigh 65kg, drink 2 litres.
Eat a wholesome breakfast, avoiding sugary foods.
Do not eat at night. Your body is more likely to store those calories as fat and gain weight rather than burn it as energy.
Eat fresh, water-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, preferably local and organic produce.
Limit salt, sugar, white flour, and artificial sweeteners.
Eating healthy fats, like avocado, walnuts, salmon and olive oil are great for brain health.
Always practice moderation.
And of course, Chiropractic care has been proven to improve your overall health and well being.
So, for personalized health and wellness advice, consult your family chiropractor.
And that is this week’s Family Health Minute.
To get your health and life back,
Contact us at:
Fourways Chiropractic
51 Galloway Avenue
[email protected]