Chiropractic works via the spine to affect changes in the nervous system; one of the effects is reducing the sympathetic tone. An increased sympathetic tone will result in noradrenaline, and increased cortisol and catecholamines. Elevated noradrenaline levels are an etiological factor in a number of diseases. (Fitzgerald, PJ. Johns Hopkins University, Increased risk of Cancer, Glaucoma)
In the Ogura Study in 2011, the authors concluded that spinal adjustments improved mechanical function, inhibited sympathetic nerve system activity (decreased stress hormones), improved heart rate, breathing, ATP, and thinking by increasing blood flow, enhancing brain glucose utilization, and improving all brain function.
To find out if you have increased sympathetic tone, or are at risk of certain diseases, or if we can help with any current health concerns, please call us for a stress response evaluation today.
Dr Nicole Bernic
011 462 1089
[email protected]